Cultural Activities
Cantonment Public School & College, Saidpur has a rich tradition in observing various cultural events on different national, international, cultural and religious occasions round the year. It has not only a spacious auditorium but also an âOpen Stageâ at the inner premises of the institution for performance. On some special occasions, open space is used for this purpose. For religious activities like Milad Mahfil or Eid-E-Miladunnabi, institutional mosque is used as venue. There are four Houses, viz., The Begum Rokeya House, The Nazrul Islam House, The Jashim Uddin House and The Fazlul Haque House.Every year on the occasion of International Mother Language Day, a colourful Wall-Magazine display and competitions are held to encourage the students to show their latent talent. This show is open to guardians, visitors and journalists. National and International Days like The Victory Day, The Independence Day, The International Mother Language Day, Eid-e-Miladunnabi are regularly arranged and observed with due solemnity. Participation of the students in the cultural activities are always encouraged under the guidance of respective House-Masters.